1. General glossary

1. mocha pot (n.) – кафе машина (coffee maker)
2. warm (v.) – затоплям
3. stove (n.) – готварска печка
4. give up (phr. v.) – отстъпвам, предавам, отказвам се
5. for Christ’s sake (phr.) – за бога
6. decaf (n. decaffeinated coffee) – безкофеиново кафе; adj. безкофеинов
7. half (adj.) – половин
8. hook-up (n.) – захващане, съединение, съюз
9. morning coffee (phr.) – сутрешно кафе
10. macchiato (n. espresso with a dash of frothy steamed milk) – макиато
11. I used to have (phr.) – преди имах
12. cereal (n.) – зърнена закуска; adj. зърнен, житен
13. neighborhood (n.) – квартал
14. seed grain (n.) – зърнено семе
15. flip (v.) – первам, шибвам, запращам с лек удар
16. sear (v.) – съсухрям, обгарям; adj. увехнал, съсухрен
17. stovetop (n.) – котлон
18. moisture (n.) – влага, влажност
19. crunchiness (n.) – хрупкавост
20. challah bread (phr.) - a loaf of white leavened bread, typically plaited in form   
21. multi-grain bread (phr.) – многозърнест хляб
22. olive oil (n.) – зехтин
23. protein (n.) – протеин, белтъчно вещество
24. crave (v.) – копнея, пожелавам
25. keep on going! (phr.) – продължавайте!
26. amp up (phr.v.) – усилвам
27. grazer (n.) – животно, което пасе, тревопасно
28. almond (n.) – бадем; adj. бадемов
29. proper meal (phr.) – правилно хранене
30. lunchbox (n.) – кутия за обяд
31. cute (adj.) -  сладък, умен, симпатичен
32. leftover (n.) – неизядена храна, останала храна
33. basil (n.) – босилек, щавена овча кожа
34. trashier (adj.) – ненужен, долнопробен
35. mayo (n.) – майонеза
36. crap (n.) – глупости, лайно, ходене по нужда
37. parsley (n.) – магданоз
38. garlic (n.) -  чесън
39. proximity (n.) – близост
40. munching (n.) – дъвчене
41. cantaloupe (n.) - пъпеш
42. faucet (n.) – кранче
43. trailer (n.) – караван, ремарке
44. on-the-run (phr.) – по план
45. shove (v.) – бутам, подвирам
46. broth (n.) – бульон
47. squeeze (v.) – стискам
48. shrimp (n.) – скарида
49. fluffy (adj.) – пухкав
50. contemplate (v.) – съзерцавам, размишлявам върху
51. crispy (adj.) – хрупкав
52. watery (adj.) – воднист, влажен
53. crunchy (adj.) – хрупкав, скриптящ
54. fleshy (adj.) – месест
55. wishy-washy (adj.) – разводнен, като помия
56. creamy (adj.) – мек, каймаклия, като крем
57. briny (adj.) – море
58. trashy (adj.) – ненужен, долнопробен
59. fatty (adj.) – мастен, мазен
60. stringy (adj.) – жилав, гъст, твърд
61. chewy (adj.) – дъвчащ
62. crumbly (adj.) – трошлив
63. yeasty (adj.) – кипящ, пенлив, запенен
64. semi-skimmed (adj.) – полуобезмаслено
65. cold-extracted (adj.) – студено-извлечен
66. mature (adj.) – зрял, напълно развит, готов за
67. draught (n.) – проект, чернова, тяга
68. tinned (adj.) – консервиран, калайдисан
69. dry (adj.) – сух, изсъхнал, пресъхнал
70. whole wheat (adj.) – пълнозърнест
71. full-fat (adj.) – пълномаслен
72. plain (adj.) – обикновен, ясен, прост
73. lean (adj.) – слаб, сух, постен, отслабнал
74. bland (adj.) – ироничен, мек, любезен
75. flat (adj.) – плосък, равен, гладък                   
76. rare (adj.) – рядък, необичаен, изключителен
77. still (adj.) – неподвижен, тих, спокоен  

2. Definition of words

1. macchiato (n.) – a coffee drink, made out of espresso with a small amount of milk

2. challah bread (n.) – Jewish egg bread, often braided for a beautiful presentation  

3. rye (n.) – hardy annual cereal grass cultivated for its grain which is the chief ingredient of black bread

4. crunchiness (n.) – cracking sound, as when chewing

5. leftovers (n.) – food remaining from a previous meal

6. grazer (n.) – someone who likes to eat snacks throughout the day in place of full meals

7. chocoholic (n.) – a person who craves chocolate

8. crap (n.) – cheap unhealthy food

9. consistency (n.) – degree of density, firmness, or viscosity

10. greens (n.) – leafy (листат) vegetables     

11. pecorino (n.) – hard Italian ewe cheese

12. farro (n.) – a type of wheat

3. Foodstuffs (хранителни продукти)

1. shallotвид дребен лук

2. pomegranateнар

3. spudмалък картоф

4. okraбамя

5. clementineмандарина от африкански сорт

6. avocadoавокадо

7. medlarмушмула

8. zucchiniзелена тиквичка

9. pistachioшам фъстък

10. beetrootцвекло

11. chickpeasнахут

12. kohlrabi - алабаш    

13. turnipряпа

14. papayaпапая

15. nutmegиндийско орехче

16. asparagusаспержа

4. American and British food words

French fries
пържени картофи
potato crisps
potato chips
картофен чипс
fish fingers
fish sticks
рибни пръчици
ground beef
кайма, кълцано месо
захарни изделия
бисвита, курабия
candy floss
cotton candy
захарен памук
ice lolly
ледена близалка


5. Fruits and Vegetables grouped according to their type

Leafy vegetables/greens (листни зеленчуци)
Leguminous plants/pulses (бобови растения)
Root vegetables (кореноплодни)
Cabbage (зеле)
Beans (боб)
Carrot (морков)
Lettuce (маруля)
Peas (грах)
Turnip (ряпа)
Okra (бамя)
Zucchini (тиквички)
Beetroot (цвекло)
Sprotus (кълнове)
Lentils (леща)
Spud (картоф)
Broccoli (броколи)
Chick-peas (нахут)
Aubergine (патладжан)
Nettles (коприва)
Soybeans (соя)
Shallot (дребен лук)
Spinach (спанак)
Kidney beans (фасул)
Kohlrabi (алабаш)
Dock (лапад)
Alfalfa (люцерна)
Radish (репичка)
Nuts (ядки)
Citrus fruits (цитруси)
Stone fruits/Drupes (костилкови плодове)
Nutmeg (индийско орехче)
Grapefruit (грейпфрут)
Plum (слива)
Almond (бадем)
Lime (зелен лимон, лайм)
Cherry (череша)
Peanut (фъстък)
Lemon (лимон)
Peach (праскова)
Chestnut (кестен)
Tangerine (мандарина)
Apricot (кайсия)
Pistachio (шам-фъстък)
Orange (портокал)
Medlar (мушмула)
Walnut (орех)
Blackcurrants (касис)
Quince (дюля)
Hazelnut (лешник)
Clementine (мандарина)
Damson (синя слива)
Pecan (вид орех)
Pomelo (помело)
Date (фурма)

6. Herbs (билки)

Parsley (магданоз)
Dill (копър)
Celeriac (едра целина)
Hops (хмел)
Celery (целина)
Basil (босилек)
Thyme (мащерка)
Horseradish (хрян)
Mint (мента)
Ginger (джинджифил)
Lovage (девисил)
Cinnamon (канела)
Savory (чубрица)
Rosemary (розмарин)
Bay leaf (дафинов лист)
Saffron (шафран)

7. Fish products

Clam (мида)
Crab (голям рак)
Flounder (камбала)
Eel (змиорка)
Trout (пъстърва)
Mussels (миди)
Carp (шаран)
Lobster (омар)
Shrimps (скариди)
Salmon (сьомга)
Oyster (стрида)
Squid (калмар)
Crayfish (вид рак)

8. Quantative collocations

Quantative expressions
A drop of (капка)
butter, vanilla extract, curry, mustard, yoghurt
A bunch of (връзка, чепка)
celery, parsley, bananas, grapes, basil, thyme
A loaf of (самун)
whole wheat bread, rye bread
A carton of (картонена кутия)
milk, orange juice, eggs, cigarettes
A packet of (пакетче от)
muesli, cigarettes, peanuts, sunflower seeds
A pack of (опаковка от)
cigarettes, peanuts, sunflower seeds
A barrel of (бъчва, туба)
water, oil
A can of (тенекиена опаковка, консерва)
beans, tomatoes, peas, cat food, Coke, beer
A crate of (щайга)
oranges, tomatoes, bananas, grapes, beer
A cake of (парче)
dough, cheese, soap
A bar of (плочка)
chocolate, soap
A head of (главичка)
garlic, onions
A clove of (скилидка)
A bulb of (луковица, корен)
A dollop of (парче от)
butter, salsa, curry, mustard, cream, shampoo
A pinch of (щипка)
salt, nutmeg, pepper
A sprinkle of (щипка)
Salt, mozzarella, cheese, pepper
A tub of (кутия)

9. Food words organized in three groups

Sea-food (морска храна)
Meat products (месни продукти)
Dairy products (млечни продукти)
crayfish (вид рак)
beef (говеждо)
butter (масло)
shrimp (скарида)
quail (пъдпъдък)
yoghurt (кисело мляко)
carp (шаран)
offal (карантия)
curds (извара)
еel (змиорка)
haggis (агнешка дробсърма)
whipped cream (бита сметана)
mackerel (скумрия)
tripe (шкембе)
whey (суроватка)
salmon (сьомга)
venison (еленово месо)

cod (треска)
giblets (пил. дреболии)

oyster (стрида)
frankfurter (кренвирш)

squid (калмар)
game (дивеч)

lobster (омар)
knuckle (джолан)

clam (мида)
veal (телешко месо)

mussels (миди)
trotters (свински крака)

crab (морски рак)
mutton (овнешко месо)

herring (херинга)
gizzard (воденички)

trout (пъстърва)
snipe (бекас)

prawn (скарида)
partridge (яребица)

sturgeon (есетра)
lamb (агнешко)

10. Food words

1. connoisseur (ценител, познавач) -  a person who cultivates a palate for the enjoyment of good food and drink a person of informed and discriminating taste or with expert knowledge in something

2. glutton (лакомник) – a person who eats immoderate (неумерен, прекомерен) amounts of food and drink

3. gourmet (гастроном, чревоугодник) – a person who cultivates a palate for the enjoyment of good food and drink

4. nutritionist (диетолог) – a person who specializes in nutrition and the nutritive (хранителен, питателен) value of various foods

5. teetotaler (трезвеник) – a person who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages.     

11. Kitchenware (кухненски съдове и прибори)

Клечки за зъби
Клечки за хранене
Cheese cloth
Прибори за хранене
Тел за разбиване на яйца
Sauce boat
Дървен чук
Oven mitts
Готварски ръкавици с един пръст
Mortar and pestle
Чукало и хаванче
Ladle pitcher
Стомничка, джезве
Термо чаша
Стъкленица, мерителна чаша

12. Kitchenware in four groups

Cookware (съдове за готвене)
Drinkware (чаши и кани)
Dishware (съдове)
Kitchen gadgets (кухненски приспособления)
Pressure cooker (тенджера под налягане)
Stem glass (чаша на столче)
Tureen (супник)
Cherry pitter (машина за вадене на костилки)
Roasting pan (тава)
Sauce boat (сосиера)
Saucepan (тенджера)
Scraper (стъргало)
Wok (вдлъбнат тиган)
Beer stein (халба за бира)
Cooking pot (гърне за готвене, голяма тенджера)
Can opener (отварачка за консерви)
Skillet (тиган)
Paper cup (книжна чаша)
Casserole (глинена или стъклена тенджера)
Garlic press (чесън изтисквачка)

Tumbler (термо чаша)
Bowl (купа)
Rolling pin (точилка)

Pitcher (кана)
Saucer (чинийка)
Potato peeler (картофобелачка)

Mug (халба)

Potato masher (картофо мачкачка)

Salt shaker/cellar (солница)

Lemon squeezer (лимоно изтисквачка)

Colander (решето)

Grater (стъргало)

Whisk (тел за разбиване на яйца)

Platter (поднос)

Funnel (фуния)

Nutcracker (орешарка)

Scoop (черпак)

Salver (поднос)

Sieve (сито)

Резултат с изображение за food vocabulary

Резултат с изображение за food vocabulary

Резултат с изображение за food vocabulary

13. Collocations

1. amp up (усилвам) romance, intensity, effect, emotion, appetite, career, excitement

2. crave (пожелавам) the spotlight (светлината на прожектора), a chocolate, a coffee, fatty foods (вредни храни), a pick me up (съживително питие), love, affection (обич, привързаност), intimacy

3. munch (дъвча, жвакам) biscuits, peanuts, chips, a muffin

14. Usage of the following verbs in the correct form

1. Eggs are a good protein and my body craves (жадува, желае) protein.

2. The low-fat campaign has been a public health disaster. And the reason is that when you demonize one nutrient (хранително вещество), you essentially give a free pass to another. So, all these low-fat, non-fat products usually amp up (усилвам) the carbohydrates (въглехидратите). And you can get as fat on carbohydrates as you can on fat.

3. They loved dipping their upper lip into the slender glass (тънкостенна чаша) and letting the bubbles fizzle (съскам), stinging their nostrils and the inside of their mouth.

4. Add one cup of water and bring to a boil. Simmer (къкря) five to ten minutes.

5. Amp up the flavor by replacing the salt and pepper with a spicy seasoning blend such as Creole or Caribbean jerk (пастърма, дръпване, идиот).

6. If you want to eat less, munch (дъвча) on a handful (шепа) of almonds 20 minutes before a meal.

7. Using a metal spatula, flip (шибвам, первам) each piece.

8. He tossed the steak on and stood there for a moment watching it sizzle (пръщя, цвъртя) in the pan.

9. We leave at intervals, some lagging to munch a piece of cake and sip (сръбвам, отпивам) coffee.  

10. Remove skillet (тиган) from heat and brush (изчетквам, четкам) fillets (надебеление) with chili mixture.

11. The sausages and the burgers sizzled (пръщя, цвъртя) on the barbecue.

12. Sear (обгарям, съсухрям) until skin caramelizes and turns golden brown and crispy (хрупкав)

13. If you crave a fried Mars bar, you go and get a friend Mars bar.

14. Pound back more than four drinks and your libido will fizzle out

15. Just because he has hooked up (захващам с кука, сприятелявам се) with half the senior girls doesn’t mean his heart has healed.

16. Eva loves to graze (докосвам се леко до) all day long, but she’s careful to choose foods that are healthy and satisfying

17. Set out appetizers for people to munch on if they need a break from wine tasting.

18. True, teen romances often fizzle, and high-school sweethearts often do not stay together after the prom.

19. Skillets sizzle with fragrant (ароматен, благоуханен) medleys (китки) of sweet corn and fork-tender okra.

14. Usage of the following verbs in the correct form

1. Eggs are a good protein and my body craves (жадува, желае) protein.

2. The low-fat campaign has been a public health disaster. And the reason is that when you demonize one nutrient (хранително вещество), you essentially give a free pass to another. So, all these low-fat, non-fat products usually amp up (усилвам) the carbohydrates (въглехидратите). And you can get as fat on carbohydrates as you can on fat.

3. They loved dipping their upper lip into the slender glass (тънкостенна чаша) and letting the bubbles fizzle (съскам), stinging their nostrils and the inside of their mouth.

4. Add one cup of water and bring to a boil. Simmer (къкря) five to ten minutes.

5. Amp up the flavor by replacing the salt and pepper with a spicy seasoning blend such as Creole or Caribbean jerk (пастърма, дръпване, идиот).

6. If you want to eat less, munch (дъвча) on a handful (шепа) of almonds 20 minutes before a meal.

7. Using a metal spatula, flip (шибвам, первам) each piece.

8. He tossed the steak on and stood there for a moment watching it sizzle (пръщя, цвъртя) in the pan.

9. We leave at intervals, some lagging to munch a piece of cake and sip (сръбвам, отпивам) coffee.  

10. Remove skillet (тиган) from heat and brush (изчетквам, четкам) fillets (надебеление) with chili mixture.

11. The sausages and the burgers sizzled (пръщя, цвъртя) on the barbecue.

12. Sear (обгарям, съсухрям) until skin caramelizes and turns golden brown and crispy (хрупкав)

13. If you crave a fried Mars bar, you go and get a friend Mars bar.

14. Pound back more than four drinks and your libido will fizzle out

15. Just because he has hooked up (захващам с кука, сприятелявам се) with half the senior girls doesn’t mean his heart has healed.

16. Eva loves to graze (докосвам се леко до) all day long, but she’s careful to choose foods that are healthy and satisfying

17. Set out appetizers for people to munch on if they need a break from wine tasting.

18. True, teen romances often fizzle, and high-school sweethearts often do not stay together after the prom.

19. Skillets sizzle with fragrant (ароматен, благоуханен) medleys (китки) of sweet corn and fork-tender okra.

15. Collocations

1. fleshy (adj. месест, пълен) hands, lips, cheeks, leaves, arms, thighs (бедра)

2. trashy (ненужен, долнопробен) novel, magazine, lipstick, outfit (екипировка, екип), talk show (радио-телевизионно интервю)

3. stringy (жилав, гъст) hair, beard, cheese, leaves, meat

4. fatty (мастен, мазен) meat, fish, acid, tissue (тъкан), foods

5. vintage (реколта, гроздобер, нещо направено в дадена година) car, wine, furnishings (мебелировка), shop, music

16. Verbs and their expressions

1. peel (беля, лющя) – skin off salmon and discard  

2. pour (изливам, наливам, лея) – the mixture into the pan, and bake for 1 hour 45 minutes

3. slice (режа, нарязвам) – a little lemon peel directly over pasta

4. dice (режа на кубчета) – the giblets (liver, heart, and gizzard) and throw into the stir-fry

5. chop (кълцам, сека, насичам) – steaks against the grain at the angle

6. stir in (разбърквам в) – half a lime into a chilled glass, add three good dashes of Mexican hot sauce.

7. grate (настъргвам) – another pepper, onion, or celery stalk into a stir-fry or omelet

8. beat (бия, удрям, разбивам) – together cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, and a cup of cocoa

9. squeeze (стискам, изтисквам) – peanut butter (first), then vanilla and oatmeal (овесено брашно, овесена каша).

10. drain (изцеждам, дренирам) – the spaghetti and return to pot

11. sprinkle (пръскам ръся) – with 1 teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon pepper

17. Studying the following synonyms

Smell (миризма, мирис)
Anything detected by the sense of smell
Scent (аромат, мирис)
A distinctive smell, esp. a pleasant one; a smell left in passing, by which a person or animal may be traced
Odour (миризма, благоухание)
The property of a substance that gives it a characteristic scent or smell; a pervasive quality about something
Aroma (благоухание, дъх)
A pleasant characteristic odour, as of a plant, spice, or food
Fragrance ( благоухание)
A pleasant or sweet odour; scent; perfume
Stench (смрад, воня)
A strong, foul odour often associated with death and decay
Stink (зловоние)
Strong offensive odour; a stench
Reek (смрад, изпарение)
A strong offensive odour; a strench; vapour; steam
The last three are interchangeable for the most part

18. Look up the meanings of put +postfix

1. He told Eva to make sure the dishes are washed and dried and put away (слагам на мястото му).

2. He was a veteran Las Vegas detective who put away (отказвам се) a habitual burglar (обичаен взлом) on 48 felony (углавно престъпление) convictions (осъждане).

3. At 27, he had put away (слагам настрана, заделям) enough to buy his own boat.

4. He put away (раздигам, разтребвам) his dinner in no time.

5. John and his wife had put aside (слагам настрана, пестя, забравям) a sizable retirement nest egg.

6. She realized that sometimes you had to put aside (оставям настрана) your to-do-list and try something unexpected.   

7. But I survived the shock of each little bomb she dropped and put aside (оставям настрана, забравям) my doubts and misgivings (опасения, лоши предчувствия) and went with it.

8. Governor Eyre put down (потушавам) a revolt in Jamaica with appaling cruelty in 1865.

9. The kennel (кучешка колиба) policy was to put down (премахвам) dogs that had not been adopted after 10 days.

10. I took money out of the bank to put down (слагам да отлежи, правя запас) on a house. And I was putting down only 10 percent.

11. This was something I wanted to put down (написвам) on paper.

12. I put this failure down to (отдавам) inexperience (неопитност).

13. The Republicans intended to attack the most recent health care reform package put forward (предлагам за кандидат) by Democrats.

14. Given the years he has already put in (прибавям), has Mr. Range contemplated retirement (пенсиониране)?

15. I asked her to put in (вмъквам) a good word for me.

16. It turns out that waiting is a good idea: for every year we put off (отлагам) marriage, our chances of divorce go down.

17. As you approach (когато наближите), do not be put off (отклонявам) by the traffic jam of moving trucks jockeying (маневри, жокейство) for space outside the entrance.

18. I didn’t believe in my heart that a company like Ford would put out (изваждам) a product with question marks over it.

19. The White House put out (правя, публикувам) a statement saying the president is deeply disappointed.

20. She climbed under her covers, wished me good night, and put out (загасям) the lights.

21. Graham put out (обърквам) the word that there would be little leniency (снизходителност) in missing the deadlines.

22. To have to put up (вдигам, увеличавам) more capital, when they were losing money hand over fist, was particularly galling (оскърбителен, жулещ) to the colleges.

23. And she didn’t even put up (обявявам) a fight.

24. You put up (обявявам) one candidate, whoever gets the most votes wins.

25. I had to put up with (търпя) people making fun of me.

26. The Seattle Post newspaper is being put up for (пригодени за) sale.

27. He was always being put upon (налагам се на) by his friends.

28. The operator put me through (извежде ме пред) to the manager.

19. Meaning of the phrasal verbs

Put aside (оставям настрана, пестя) – leave something to be dealt with or used at a later time; save (money)

Put down (свалям, слагам да отлежи) – pay part of the price, leave a deposit

Put in (влагам) – spend (time, effort)

Put out (публикувам, изваждам) – make something known to a lot of people; release to the public.

Put off (отлагам, отсрочвам) – delay, postpone (отлагам, отсрочвам)

Put down (свалям, ликвидирам) – kill, euthanize (an animal)     

Put forward (предлагам за кандидат, тласкам напред) – propose, suggest, come up with

Put up with (търпя, примирявам се) – tolerate, accept

Put down (записвам) – put (something) in writing

Put up (предлагам за кандидат) – nominate for a post

Put up (авансирам) – provide (funds) in advance

Put down to (остави да) – attribute

Put away (нагъвам, изпивам) - consume (food or drink) readily (с готовност, лесно) and quickly

20. Colloquial similes (разговорни сравнения)

1. The fog raised up enough so we could see the landscape, flat as a pancake (палачинка).

2. If the police call, say I was home all night, sober (сериозен, трезв) as a judge.

3. Her feet were as warms as toast on the warm rug (черга).

4. She knew what to say and seemed cool as a cucumber in situations where most mothers would be hysterical.

5. And the old guy sauntered in, drunk as a skunk (скункс) from last night’s drinking spree (гуляй).    

6. He was keen as mustard to begin the new job, until he learned what it really entailed.

7. It’s easy as pie to ignore yourself between the daily stresses of work and home, and it’s even easier to inadvertently (без да искам) ignore your mate (помощник, другар, колега) in the process.

8. There are times when I think he’s nutty (побъркан, налудничав) as a fruitcake, but he is always very self-possessed (спокоен, хладнокръвен) and seems to always know exactly what he is doing.

9. You’d be mad to go into business with him. He’s as slippery (хлъзгав) as an eel (змиорка).

10. The old man greeted us ill-naturedly, his face as sour as vinegar.  

11. The fact of the matter is, baseball is as American as apple pie; basketball is not.

12. So I’m sitting there in bed stuffing my face, happy as a clam (мида, мълчалив човек).

13. Can you trust a woman when her face is red as a beet (цвекло) and her chin (брадичка) is trembling with a life of its own?

21. Idiomatic expressions

1. We start out young, full of beans (to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm), with a dislike of routine, order, and repetition.

2. Rebecca, Katheryn and Leslie. Three peas in a pod (very similar, especially in appearance). Inseparable sisters full of life love and promise.

3. New precepts (наставления, правила) appeared, as similar to the old ones as two peas in a pod (като две капки вода)

4. This doesn’t represent our views. This isn’t the change that we want to see. This isn’t our cup of tea (something or someone that one finds pleasing), so to speak.

5. The knife was a red herring (something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting), a distraction (разсейване). He said there were far more obvious clues investigators had overlooked.

6. He explained to the boy that Bichescu might be a good man, the salt of the earth (the most worthy of people; a very good or worthy person), who would help them without thinking twice.

7. While this method may sound like a piece of cake (something easy to do), you may find that you have to practice it a few times before you master it.

8. Unemployment reduction has been another hard nut to crack (difficult person or problem to deal with) despite a number of state-financed “quick results” initiatives.

9. To satisfy my sweet tooth (a love for sugary foods) while getting a healthy dose of fiber and protein, I munch on frosted shredded wheat.

10. If you are a couch potato (a lazy individual, addicted to television-watching), have couch-potato tendencies or just plain dislike working out, it must be frustrating to keep hearing how good exercise is for your health.

11. We tend to think that the way you get people to perform at a high level is your reward what you want and punish what you do not want, the carrot and stick (a motivational tactic that uses a reward and punishment system to encourage improved performance or behaviour) approach.

12. The good news is tickets are selling like hot cakes (to be sold very fast).

22. Idioms and their meaning

1. to spill the beans – reveal secret information                      

2. to know one’s onions - to be experienced in or knowledgeable about a subject  

3. to live off the fat of the land – to live on abundant resources without having to work too much

4. to butter someone up – to flatter someone in the hope of receiving special favours

5. to talk turkey – to talk business; to talk frankly

6. to go nuts – to become crazy, disoriented, or frustrated

7. to go to pot – to deteriorate, to go to ruin.

8. to beef something up – to add strength or substance to something.

9. to beef about something

10. to have other/bigger fish to fry – to have other things to do; to have more important things to do

11. (to look as if) butter would not melt in one’s mouth – to act as if one is innocent

12. to take something with a pinch/grain of salt – to receive (a statement, news etc) with a slight feeling of disbelief (липса на вяра).  

23. Desserts

gingerbread (джинджифилов сладкиш)
muffin (кекс във формата на купичка)
ladyfingers (бишкоти)
cake (торта)
candy cane (захарно бастунче)
tart (плодова пита)
jelly beans (желирани бонбони)
shortbread (сладкиш от маслено тесто)
chocolate chip cookie (бисквита с шоколадови парченца)
lollipop (близалка, )
mousse (мус, пяна)
crème brulee (крем брюле)
meringue (целувка)
palm leaf (сладкиш във формата на палмово листо)
sponge cake (пандишпан, вид плодова торта)
frybread (мекица)
oatmeal raisin cookie (бисквита с овесено брашно и стафиди)
sesame bar (сусамка)
candy cotton (захарен памук)
rice pudding (мляко с ориз)

Vocabulary for coffee shop and sandwiches list


1. donut     2. muffin      3. bagel      4. bun     5. pastry      6. biscuit     7. croissant

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