1. General glossary

1. faced with (phr.) изправен пред
2. whole house (phr.) – цялата къща
3. new look (phr.) – нов изглед
4. decorator (n.) – декоратор, бояджия
5. crucial decision making (phr.) – вземане на решаващо решение
6. require (v.) – изисквам, настоявам
7. bare room (phr.) – гола стая
8. powdery (adj.) – ронлив, като прах
9. stenciling (adj.) – на шаблонни шарки
10. stripped (p.p) – лишен; strip (v.) – лишавам от собственост, от принадлежност
11. limed (p.p) – варосан, а, о, и; lime – избелвам с вар, варосвам
12. rustic (adj.) – селски, провинциален
13. thick-pile carpeted (phr.) – застлан с дебели килими
14. in terms of (phr.) – от гледна точка на
15. backdrop (n.) – фон, проспект
16. themed (p.p) – тематичен, а, о, и
17. country style (phr.) – провинциален стил
18. living (n.) – живите, живеене, начин на живот; (adj.) – жив, за живеене, живеещ
19. tranquility (n.) – спокойствие, тишина
20. countryside (n.) – околност, селска област
21. recreate (v.) – развличам, освежавам
22. restful (adj.) – спокоен, тих
23. welcoming environment (phr.) – гостоприемна среда
24. recognizable (adj.) – познаваем, узнаваем, който може да се разпознае
25. scrubbed (adj.) – почистен, изтъркан; (v.) – търкам, жуля, изтърквам
26. pine (adj.) – бор, чам; (adj.) – боров, чамов
27. assortment (n.) – асортимент
28. riot (n.) – бунт, метеж, разврат
29. dresser (n.) – скрин, тоалетна масичка
30. stacked (p.p) – подреден на куп, натрупан
31. china (n.) – порцелан; (adj.) – порцеланов
32. beam (n.) – лъч, греда, теглич (shaft)    
33. basket (n.) – кошница, кош
34. drying (n.) – сушене
35. tough (adj.) – труден, тежък, жилав
36. to keep clean (phr.) – да се поддържа част, а, о и
37. floorboard (n.) – паркет
38. flagstone (n.) – плоча
39. cork tiles (phr.) – коркова плочка
40. linoleum (n.) – линолеум (балатум)
41. brilliance (n.) – блясък, великолепие
42. meadow (n.) – поляна, ливада
43. buttercup (n.) – лютиче
44. ripe corn (phr.) – узряла царевица
45. carpet (n.) – килим, мокет
46. lampshade (n.) – абажур
47. on the contrary (adv.) – напротив
48.folk style (phr.) – битов стил
49. enduring (adj.) – траен, продължителен, издръжлив
50. appeal (n.) – обжалване, апел, привлекателност
51. soft harmony (phr.) – мека хармония
52. stencil (n.) – шаблон, шарка от шаблон
53. stencil pattern (phr.) – шаблон модел
54. sturdy (adj.) – здрав, як, твърд; (n.) – вироглав
55. armchair (n.) – фотьойл, кресло; (adj.) - кабинетен
56. cupboard (n.) – бюфет, шкаф
57. chest (n.) – санъдък, гръден кош, каса
58. inherent (adj.) – присъщ, вроден, свойствен
59. patchwork (n.) – смесица, бъркотия, скърпена работа; (adj.)съставен от различни парчета
60. tinware (n.) – калаени съдове, тенекиени изделия
61. painted tinware (phr.) – боядисани тенекиени съдове
62. spring (v.) – скачам, подскачам, отскачам
63. burden (n.) – тежест, товар
64. rural craftsmen (phr.) – селски занаятчии
65. wealthy classes (phr.) – богатите
66. tin (n.) – калай, ламарина, тенекия
67. plate (n.) – плоча, табела, плака, чиния
68. silver plate (n.) – сребърни съдове, сребърно покритие
69. plasterwork (n.) – мазилка
70. sloping (adj.) – наклонен, полегат
71. charm (n.) – чар, очарование, обаяние
72. colour scheme (phr.) – цветова схема
73. quilt (n.) – юрган, покривка за легло, ватенка
74. beige (adj.) – бежов
75. plaster (n.) – гипс, пластир, лейкопласт
76. crushed (adj.) – смачкан, разбит, съкрушен
77. oyster (n.) – стрида, затворен човек, нещо изгодно
78. overpainf (v.) – надживописване
79. whitewash (v.) – баданосвам, варосвам
80. quicklime (n.) – негасена вар
81. strained (adj.) – пресилен, обтегнат, изопачен
82. sifted (adj.) – пресят, а, о, и
83. pigment (n.) – пигмент
84. graining (n.) – ставам на зърна
85. grain (v.) – гранулирам, образувам зърна
86. marbling (n.) – боядисвам като мрамор
87. stippling (n.) – щриховане с точки
88. glazing (n.) – полиране, слагане на прозорци
89. coat of paint (phr.) – слой боя
90. top coat (n.) – повърностен слой, последен пласт
91. at some point (phr.) – в някакъв момент
92. updating (n.) – осъвременяване
93. stylish (adj.) – стилен, елегантен, моден
94. encompass (v.) – обкръжавам, заграждам, съдържам, обхващам
95. short of time (exp.) – притеснен във времето
96. versatile (adj.) – гъвкав, многостранен
97. versatile option (phr.) – гъвкав вариант
98. established theme (phr.) – създадена тема
99. window treatment (phr.) - interior decoration for a window or window frame
100. furnishing (n.) – обзавеждане (equipment), мебелиране
101. transparent glass beads (phr.) – прозрачни стъклени мъниста
102. sparkle (n.) – блясък, блестене
103. tartan wool rugs (phr.) – карирани вълнени черги
104. mat (n.) – подложка, изтривалка
105. stall (n.) – щанд, сергия, трон, палатка (stall)
106. dye (n.) – боя, багрилно вещество
107. matting (n.) – рогозка, рогозарство
108. fake fur (phr.) – фалшива кожа
109. bead (n.) – мънисто, капка, зърно от огърлица, архитектурен орнамент
110. defeatist (n.) – пораженец
111. suitable house (phr.) – подходяща къща
112. extra living space (phr.) – допълнително жизнено пространство
113. heating (n.) – отопление
114. plumbing (n.) – водопровод, водопроводна инсталация, работа на водопроводчик
115. wiring (n.) – електрическа мрежа, електрически жици
116. alter (v.) – променям, изменям
117. alteration (n.) – промяна, изменение, преправяне
118. consideration (n.) – обсъждане, разглеждане, насрещна престация
119.  bear in mind (exp.) – имам впредвид
120. feasible (adj.) – осъществим, възможен, изпълним
121. hint (n.) – намек, подмятане, кратък съвет
122. tip (n.) – връх, бакшиш, заострен край, полезен съвет
123. insulation (n.) - изолация
124. bark (n.) – кора, лай, силно кашляне, гръм
125. scrub (v.) – търкам, жуля, изтърквам; n. завързак, почистване, шубрак
126. grout (n.) – варов разтвор, циментов разтвор
127. stack (v.) – подреждам на куп, натрупвам; n. купчина, куп, купа сено
128. strain (v.) – напрягам, опъвам, изцеждам; n. напрежение, опъване, пренапрежение
129. sift (v.) – пресявам, ръся, разграничавам
130. stale (adj.) – стар, изхабен, преуморен, спарен; n. пикоч
131. stunning (adj.) – зашеметяващ, очарователен
132. sturdy (adj.) – здрав, як, твърд; n. въртоглавие

2. Describing the following words

cornice - wood or plaster that runs along the top edge of a wall, used for decoration

backdrop - the conditions or situation in which something happens

core - the most important or central part of something

dresser - a large piece of furniture with open shelves for strong plates, dishes

beam - a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses

flagstone - a smooth flat piece of stone used for floors or paths

quilt - a warm thick cover for a bed, filled with feather or artificial material

plaster - a substance used to cover walls and ceilings with a smooth, even surface

whitewash - a white liquid that is a mixture of lime and water, used for making walls or ceilings white

throw blanket - a decorative light blanket or cover, as thrown over a chair

partitition - a vertical structure like a thin wall separates one part of a room or building from another


3. Expressions

1. to glaze a window / a cake
2. to strip insulation / bark
3. to scrub one’s hands / the bathroom grout
4. to stack a dishwasher / books
5. to strain a muscle / the coffee
6. to sift flour/ evidence
7. to whitewash a crime / the wall / evidence
8. limed oak furniture / table
9. sound advice
10. stale joke
11. stunning view
12. sturdy table
13. transparent excuse
14. versatile tool

4. Studying the following words

A. adherent (n. привърженик, последовател; adj. прилепнал, лепкав), coherent (adj. съгласуван, последователен), inherent (adj. присъщ, вроден, свойствен)
1. The United States has found it exceedingly difficult to forge a unified and coherent policy toward China.
2. Like many kids her age, ten-year-old Erica seems a/an adherent of the philosophy: why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?
3. She realized the dangers inherent in the fact that they were now alone together on the boat.
4. The fabric is coated with a self-adherent substance that gives the bandage the ability to stick to itself but not to skin or clothing.

B. state (n. състояние, държава, щат, положение; adj. държавен, официален; v. заявявам, излагам, посочвам), status (n. ранг, правно положение, обществено положение)
1. Anyone arrested for a crime will be subject to a check of their legal status and possibly deportation.
2. By declaring a state of emergency, the governor was able to waive a law that prohibits sending inmates out of state without their consent.
3. The social status of doctors has always been very high.

C. compliment (n. комплимент, похвала, v. поздравявам, правя комплименти), complement (n. допълнение, комплект, v. допълням)
1. Technological developments have resulted in more appealing and affordable systems, designed to complement a home’s architecture
2. The manger was always ordering around the employees and refused to compliment anyone whenever he or she did a good job.

D. carve (v. изразявам, издялвам, дълбая), curve (n. крива, извивка, завой, v. извивам, изкривявам, огъвам, отбелязвам на диаграма)
1. Alba learned to carve and paint at an early age and worked in the family business until she married Victor in 1995
2. Newman’s spine began to curve when he was just 5 years old

E. crash (n. катастрофа, трясък, сблъскване, v. падам, срутвам се), crush (n. любов, тълпа, купон, разбиване, много гости, плодов сок, v. смачквам, изтисквам, натъпквам)
1. Experts blame the stock market crash for most pension funds shortfalls rather than poor management or rich benefits.
2. It appears that the driver in the fatal crash had not been drinking, but that the passengers may have been.
3. Tanks are seen entering the city to crush the resistance there
4. Peel the garlic cloves, and crush them with the heel of your hand on a cutting board.
5. The federal government ought to have a crash course when it comes to real research in terms of making progress.

F. altar (n. олтар, жертвеник), alter (v. променям, изменям, изменям се)
1. The tools of molecular biology can produce new crops and alter traditional ones to adapt plants to climate changes.
2. She walked around the alter and saw Carl meditating on the ground.

5. Matching the following words with their definitions and pictures

1. manor house (феодално имение, имение с господарска къща) a large old house in the country with land belonging to it

2. semi-detached house (къща-близнак) – a house divided into two separate dwellings (US and Canadian)

3. detached house (самостоятелна къща)a house that is not connected to any other building

4. terraced house (къща на калкан)a house that is joined to the houses on either side of it by shared walls

5. cottage (къщичка, виличка, лятна вила)a small house, usually in the countryside

6. shed (барака, навес, хангар) a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things

7. condominium (жилищна кооперация, съвместно владение) -  an apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas

8. bedsit/bed-sitting room (апартамент / легло-хол) – a rented room which has a bed, table, chairs and somewhere to cook in it

9. penthouse (мезонет) -  an apartment on the top floor of a tall building, typically luxuriously fitted and offering fine views.

10. bungalow (бунгало, едноетажна вила)a house that has only one storey

6. Window names

1. arched windowсводест прозорец

2. bay windowпанорамен прозорец

3. bow windowеркер

4. casement windowстъклопакет

5. dormer windowтавански прозорец на капандура

6. French windowфренски прозорец (служещ и като врата)

7. hopper windowпрозорец бункер (хоризотално разположен и отварящ се)

8. sash windowпрозорец-крило

9. skylight тавански прозорец, оберлихт

10. sliding windowплъзгащ се прозорец

7. Providing the names of the following items

1. bulb крушка, луковица, колба

2. tapкран на чешма, почукване, потропване, похлопване

3. plugщепсел, щекер

4. socketконтакт, гнездо (nest)

5.  extension leadудължител

6. fusesпредпазител, бушон

7. dust pan - a flat handheld receptacle into which dust and waste can be swept from the floor.

8. broomметла

9. rolling shutterролетна щора

10. immersion heaterбързовар

11. towel railдръжка за кърпа за лице и ръце

12. shower cubicle/enclosureдуш кабина

13. bunk bedsлегло на два етажа

14. rocker/rocking chairлюлеещ се стол

15. gazeboбелведер (a roofed structure that offers an open view of the surrounding area, typically used for relaxation or entertainment)

8. Housing vocabulary

1. cake tin тава за блат за торта
2. casseroleстъклена или глинена тенджера
3. corkscrewтирбушон
4. frying penтиган за пържене
5. pressure cookerтенджера под налягане
6. saucepanтенджера, дълбок съд с дълга дръжка за сосове
7. dish drainerсушилник за съдове
8. extractor fanаспиратор
9. lemon squeezerприбор за изтискване на лимони
10. mincerмесомелачка
11. chimneyкомин, камина
12. eavesстряха, корниз
13. gableфронтон
14. gutterолук, улей, канавка
15. pergola - an archway in a garden or park consisting of a framework covered with trained climbing or trailing plants.
16. rafterнаклонена покривна греда
17. turretоръдейна кула
18. bedsteadкреват (рамка на легло)
19. bolsterподложка, дълга цилиндрична възглавница
20. duvet coverпухено покритие на легло
21. eiderdownпухен юрган
22. gravy boatсосиера
23. mattressматрак, дюшек
24. pillowcaseкалъфка за възглавница
25. bowlкупа, паница, топка за боулинг
26. colanderрешето (a perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food, especially after cooking)
27. graterренде, стъргало
28. ladleчерпак
29. napkin ringхалка за салфетка
30. pushchairдетска количка
31. tureen - супник
32. concrete бетон, конкретно съществително
33. lean-toзаслон (a building sharing one wall with a larger building, and having a roof that leans against that wall)
34. limeвар, лайм, липа
35. mortarхоросан, минохвъргачка
36. plasterгипс, лейкопласт
37. stuccoциментова замазка
38. carpenterдърводелец
39. cast ironчугун
40. glazierстъклар
41. masonзидар, масон
42. upholstererтапицер
43. welder заварчик, оксиженист
44. apse апсида (a large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof, typically at the eastern end, and usually containing the altar)
45. domeкупол, свод
46. hovelколиба, коптор
47. narthexпритвор (n antechamber, porch, or distinct area at the western entrance of some early Christian churches, separated off by a railing and used by catechumens, penitents, etc.)
48. naveнеф, главен кораб на църква
49. stained glassстъклопис, оцветено стъкло
50. pulpit амвон
51. forkвилица, вила
52. hoeмотика
53. prunerклещи за подрязване
54. rakeгребло, търмък
55. screwdriverотвертка
56. scytheкоса
57. shovel лопата
58. spadeпика, лопата с остър връх

9. Filling the blanks in the text below with the following words

Most British houses are made of brick (тухла) and cement. In a row of terrace houses, the interconnecting walls are cavity (кухина, празнина) walls: they have a space between them to allow air to circulate. On the interiors, the walls are covered in plaster (гипс), and then either painted or decorated with wallpaper (тапети). The internal walls of a house fall into two categories: load-bearing (носещи) walls and partition (преграда, преграден) walls. Floors and roofs are supported by strong beams (греди), which are long, heavy pieces of wood or metal. Floors can be covered in a variety of materials, such as wood, parquet, marble, tile or laminate (ламинат). In living rooms and bedrooms, the floor is generally covered with carpets.

Houses are normally connected to local utilities (комунални услуги), such as mains water, electricity, heating and gas supply (снабдяване, предлагане). In the countryside some houses have gas tanks (газова бутилка) in their gardens. The vast majority of people are connected to the local sewage (канализация) system, but some people have their own septic tanks (септични ями) in their gardens. Houses that are connected to utilities have separate meters to show how much they consume. Representatives of these utilities have separate meters to show how much they consume. Representatives of these utility companies visit houses regularly to take meter readings (данни) with which they can then bill their customers.

Some electrical jobs, such as wiring or rewiring (електро-инсталация) should only be done by professional electricians, although you can still change a plug (щепсел) or a socket (контакт). For safety (безопасност) reasons, the wiring in the house is on more than one circuit (ел. верига): lighting usually is on one circuit, and the sockets are on another circuit. Some plumbing jobs should also be done by professional plumbers. For example, although you can change taps (крановете на чешмата), you should get a professional to install (инсталирам, монтирам) a gas boiler. Some building work can be done without supervision (надзор, наблюдение). Many people enjoy doing DIY, such as putting up shelves, fitting cupboards and doors, assembling (монтирам, събирам, сглобявам) furniture and so on. However, for the big jobs, such as loft (таванско помещение) conversions and building extensions (разширения), you need to first apply for and obtain planning and building permission from the local authorities, then employ a firm of builders. In Britain, damp (влажен, влага) winter weather causes many problems to houses. For example, some houses can suffer from mould (мухъл, плесен) or dry-rot, caused by water seeping (процеждане, просмукване) into walls and timber. For this reason, houses have gutters (улуци) and some may need regular damp proof treatment (обработка, лечение). Window sills (первази) and window frames should be made waterproof (непромокаем) and most people have central heating via radiators to keep the air inside warm and dry. Special thermostats (термостати) set on the wall help to regulate the temperature in the room.

10. What is the American English word for

Rubbish is the usual word in British English for the things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

You put your rubbish in a dustbin in the street to be collected by the dust

In British English, the room that has a toilet in it is usually referred to as a toilet.
This room in people’s houses can also be called the lavatory, or informally, the loo.
An extra downstairs toilet in a house can be called the cloakroom.
In public places, especially on signs, the words toilets, Gents (for men’s toilets) or Ladies (for women’s toilets) are used for a room or small building containing several toilets. You might also see WC or Public Conveniences on some signs.

Garbage and trash are both used in North American English. Inside the home, garbage tends to mean waste food and often wet material, while trash is paper, cardboard and dry material.

You put your garbage and trash in a garbage/trash can in the street to be collected by garbage men/collectors

In North American English the room that contains a toilet is usually called the bathroom, never the toilet.
A room with a toilet in a public place can also be called a restroom, ladies’ room, women’s room or men’s room.

Washroom is also used, especially in Canada.

block of flats
apartment building
жилищен блок
terrace house
row house
къща на калкан
estate agent
агент недвижими имоти
laundry basket
laundry hamper
панер за пране
skirting board
dust bin
trash can
готварска печка
лека завивка

11. Matching the verbs on the left with the expressions on the right to form DIY instructions

Apply (прилагам, слагам)
paint to the wood
Dip (топвам)
the brush into the paint
Drill (пускам сонда, пробивам)
holes for wall plugs
Fill (пълня, изпълвам)
craks and holes in the wall
Fit (пасвам)
a window handle
Scrape (остъргвам, стържа)
excess paint
Strip (смъквам, събличам)
printed wallpaper
Adjust (коригирам, нагласям)
the nozzle until you get an even flow of paint
Daub (мажа, мацам)
grout over tiles
Disconnect (разединявам, разделям)
the wiring from the existing light
Remove (премахвам)
skirtings with a crowbar
Shovel (рина, греба)
the sand over the soil base
Spray (ръся)
In bursts keeping the nozzle at right angles to the wall
Undo (премахвам, отменям)
the mounting screws

12. Completing the sentences with the compound nouns

1. His trained eye could detect no unevenness; the smooth surface might have been laid with a spirit level (нивелир).

2. Residents of Colorado Springs are being encouraged to bring their own lawn mower (косачка) to trim the grass in public spaces.

3. Police said six offenders on three motorbikes tried to smash the shop windows with sledgehammers (боен чук, тежък ковашки чук) on Monday.

4. Rubbing with coarse sandpaper (шкурка) makes rough wood smooth

5. Few of the recyclers wore gloves or other protective gear (защитна екипировка), despite exposure to solvents and other chemicals.

6. Mrs. Nelson took out a measuring tape (ролетка) and took down my sizes

7. The pump still works when the pressure valve (клапан) is spewing, but output is reduced to “spitting and sputtering”.

8. Tile saws (плот на режеща машина) cut a variety of hard materials, including stone, concrete, glass, porcelain and, as the name implies, tile.

9. Jason cut out a section of the carpet and secured it to the floor and sides of the box using a staple gun (щапелен пистолет).

10. Angle grinders (ъглошлайф) are   widely used in metalworking and construction, as in emergency rescues.

13. Filling in the blanks in the text below with

1. It’s a good idea in the UK to arrange a mortgage (преглеждам ипотечния заем) with a bank before you start looking. This is when the bank tells you how much money they will lend you, so you have a good idea of how much you can afford.

2. The next step is to go to a/an estate agent (агент недвижими имоти) to see what sort of properties they have available in your budget range and in your area. If you see something you like, the estate agent will arrange for you to view the property (оглеждам имот), so that you can see the house or flat for yourself.

3. If you see something that  takes your eye, you put in an offer (оферирам). The vendor (продавачът) can accept or decline this offer, and if the vendor accepts it, you can move forward with the sale. However, as you don’t pay any money at this point, the offer isn’t legally binding (правно обвързващ), and in theory, you can pull out of the offer (оттеглям оферта) at any time that you like.

4. Your next step will probably be to get a structural survey (структурно изследване) done. A qualified surveyor (инспектор) will inspect the house and write a report that illustrate any structural problems, like damp (влага, влажност) or drainage (отводнителен, канализация) problems.

5. If you still want to go ahead with the sale, you need to appoint a solicitor (търговски агент, пласьор) to do the conveyancing (нотариална заверка). If you already own a house, you might also be busy trying to sell it. Many house owners prefer to sell to first time buyers (купувач на първо жилище), as they are not in a chain (връзка).  

6. Finally, once the contracts (договорите) are signed and exchanged (разменени), you seal the deal. You get the keys and you can move in whenever you want. Then you might want to throw a house-warming party (празненство за посрещане на новите съседи).  

14. Filling in the blanks in the text below with

Bill Lishman read many books on underground building and energy (енергия) efficient homes. Inspired by British artist and designer Roger Dean, he came up (качвам се) with the idea to build an underground home consisting of interconnected igloo-like domes. Without the money to begin construction the idea sat on the back burner (a state of inaction or suspension; a position of relatively little importance) for fifteen years, until the summer of 1988 when things began to state shape. Bill hired family members to begin constructing the steel domes, and hired earth moving equipment (оборудване, съоръжения, обзавеждане) to remove the top of the hill. The domes were created by erecting a number of vertical steel trusses in a circle and connecting them with 3/8 steel rods spaced at 8-inch intervals. Vertical rods (прътове) were then welded (weld – заварявам) between the trusses (подпорна конструкция на мост, връзка между два детайла при заваряване) to form a grid (решетка, скара, координатна мрежа) of 8-inch squares. The next summer a concrete pad (подложка) was poured with rubber tubing (тръби, тръбопроводи, тръбна инсталация) laid throughout for in-floor heating. The steel frames (рамка, кадър) were moved into position, connected together and covered in expanded lath (летва).

Once the metal structure was completely covered, gunite (a mixture of cement, sand, and water applied through a pressure hose) concrete was sprayed (spray – пръскам, ръся) over the entire interior (вътрешен, а, о, и) surface, and trawled smooth. The inside layer was concrete mixed with marble powder to form a smooth white surface. The exterior of the house was covered in a waterproof tar (катран, смола), buried in dry sand and a membrane layer of rubber sheeting (листов материал, разслояване) was placed over the entire area to act as an umbrella to keep the sand mass dry. The sand mass is crisscrossed (опасан) with air ducts (въздуховод, канал, трахея) that circulate warm air from the solariums located at either end of the house. Topsoil was then replaced over top of the membrane, covered with grass seed and gardens and now must be mowed (покосен) on a regular basis (редовно).

Building an underground dwelling (жилище, обиталище) of this type poses (поставям, позирам) a whole new set of challenges. The design must be well thought out in advance because any changes would be difficult or impossible once the earth was replaced (заменям, подменям, поставям пак на място).

15. Choosing the best word

appliances (домашно устройство)
devices (устройства)
implements (инструмент, оръдие на труда)
utilities (комунални услуги)
utensils (съд, прибор, инструмент)

1. The lightweight wood is easy to handle and carve and has long been used in southern Africa to make household utensils (домакински прибори).
2. For soldiers who are exposed to dozens of blasts from improvised explosive devices  (взривни устройства) the likelihood (вероятност) of more damage increases with each event.
3. The natives apparently had few guns with which to defend themselves; most were armed only with agricultural implements (селскостопански инструменти) like axes and cane knives.
4. They now have only one joint account to pay monthly bills like rent and utilities which they split in half
5. The water heater consumes more electricity than any other appliances (домашен уред) in the typical household, nearly twice as much as the refrigerator.

abode (жилище, местопребиваване)
domicile (местожителство)
dwelling (обиталище)
habitation (обитаване)

1. Banjaras are a nomadic group in India. They do not have a fixed abode (постоянен адрес).
2. He has a house in the country, but his legal domicile (законно местожителство) is in the city.
3. Archeological investigation shows that this particular cliff dwelling (скално жилище) was a ceremonially significant complex.
4. Benton nodded, trying not to let what he had known of human habitation (човешко поселение) in that area get in the way of what was now there.
5. It was a deep, cave like dwelling (пещерно жилище), constructed of mud as all the houses were, with interior walls painted white.

16: Collocations with the following words

chair (стол, катедра)
seat (седалка, място)
table (маса, таблица, трапеза)
house (къща, дом)
shelter (подслон, убежище)

1. To chair a committee, a meeting, a department, an inquiry (председателствам)

2. To seat delegates, a jury (настанявам)

3. To table an amendment, a question, a proposal (внасям за обсъждане, приемане)

4. To house works of art, a printing firm, the homeless, refugees, the library (приютявам)

5. To shelter the garden, the homeless, refugees, a wanted man (подслонявам)

17: Studying the following synonyms and complete the table

1. Destroy (унищожавам, разрушавам, погубвам) – to reduce something to nothingness (нищо, небитие, нищожност) or take away its powers and functions so that restoration is impossible.

2. Ruin (погубвам, опропастявам) – to damage something so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc; to damage irreparably (непоправимо); to reduce to bankruptcy.

3. Wreck (разбивам, претърпявам корабокрушение) – to smash or break forcefully; to damage something badly
These three words have a wide range of use beyond actual physical destruction, e.g. destroy may suggest malevolent (отмъстителен, злобен, неприязнен) action that makes something impossible; ruin points to anything that spoils anything good or desirable; wreck suggests the breaking down (събарям, разбивам, руша) of some cohesive unity (сплотено единство).

4. Demolish (събарям, сривам, поглъщам)to destroy completely a building, especially in order to use the land for something else; to destroy something organized or structured; to prove that an argument or theory is wrong; to eat quickly all the food you have been given.

5. Raze (изличавам, остригвам, сривам със земята, до основи)to level down to the ground

6. Annihilate (унищожавам, изтребвам) – to kill in large numbers; to destroy completely so that nothing is left; to defeat completely

7. Eradicate (изкоренявам, премахвам) – to eliminate, to get rid of something bad

8. Uproot (изкоренявам, изтръгвам) – to pull a plant including its roots out of the ground; to remove a person from their home or usual surroundings

9. Exterminate (унищожавам, изтребвам)to kill all the animals or people in a particular place or of a particular type.

a building

a cake

a car

a chance

a community

a disease

a fortress

a machine

an oak

an opponent

a party

a theory

a trip










Use the verbs above in the correct form to complete the sentences.

1. All participants will carry out coordinated special campaigns to eradicate criminal organizations which have long threatened the region’s security.

2. Several times a week, I hear horror stories from readers about ways that sharing stuff online has ruined/wrecked their lives.

3. The Shiite clerics say at least 38 mosques used by their congregations were destroyed/ruined/wrecked since the protests began in February.

4. The cyclone uprooted many old thick trees. It also wrecked numerous ships anchoring on the sea cost.

5. Some people are misusing poisonous chemicals in a desperate bid to eradicate/exterminate/annihilate the pests.

6. Brazil’s first female president said her most obstinate (упорит, твърд) fight will be to eradicate poverty.

7. The two blows which he had received in rapid succession annihilated/demolished all his hopes, and made even his present position very precarious.

8. Strong winds uprooted trees and tore off some billboards along major roads.

9. Many property buyers are more interested in razing/demolishing the modest-sized, architecturally significant homes so that larger structures could be built.

10. An estimated 60 million people will be uprooted over the next two decades as urbanization expands.

11. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, Communists and homosexuals of Europe.

12. Dozens of people – including entire families – remained unaccounted for in the valley, where a massive flash flood tossed cars like dice (зарове, кубчета) and razed whole towns

13. He might have found an old boat, or made one using part of the wrecked motor boat, and have gone away by himself.

14. Winning the argument is no longer enough: the opposition must be annihilated/demolished.

15. White trappers have penetrated their country in all directions from the line of railway and exterminated/annihilated most of the fur-bearing animals.

16. Health officials tried in the 1950s to eradicate malaria, but gave up about a decade later.

17. Villagers first protested in September, when they broke into local government offices, police stations and destroyed/wrecked six police cars.

18. Designed by Stanford White, this building opened on 24th Street in 1906 and was razed/demolished in 1919 to make way for insurance offices.

19. You have ruined/wrecked my car by pouring sugar in the tank.

20. International sanctions destroyed/ruined/wrecked the economy, creating mass poverty and crime.

21. We might run into a storm at sea and then we would be wrecked.

22. Some people who thought they had found shelter were suddenly uprooted by raging waters again

23. The new studies of personal well-being do demolish some popular myths.

24. A friend of mine loves mince pies so much that he can demolish a whole box of them.

25. Gray lizards, those heirs of ruin and desolation (пустош, опустошение), glided (позлатен) in and out among the rocks or lay still and sunned (изложен на слънце) themselves.

18: Looking up the meanings of set + postfix

1. Lori took one look and then set about (залавям се енергично с) preparing the baseball equipment bag Nick would need.

2. The table in the dining room looked pretty, with white candles set against (на фона на, опълчвам против, настройвам срещу) a dark green tablecloth (покривка за маса).

3. Set apart (отделям, слагам настрана) from previous waves of immigrants by their lack of religious or political motivation, the Soviet Jews pose a very particular problem for Israelis anxious to integrate them into society.

4. If the company ends up filing bankruptcy, the money it has set aside (слагам настрана, отхвърлям) to pay pensions may be at risk.

5. The library is set back (построявам назад, спъвам, забавям) the street behind a wrought-iron fence with a gate, amid (prep. сред, между) a very green jewel-like lawn (морава, поляна).

6. In fact, the revolution has set back (спъвам, забавям, връщам назад) the economy by frightening off some tourists and foreign investors.

7. The repairs could set you back over $200.

8. He turned very pale and set down (слагам на земята, стоварвам) the lantern (фенер, горна част на фар), which was shaking visibly in his hand.

9. The answer came, describing everything exactly as set down (отбелязвам) in my notes.

10. The standards were set down (свалям) by the governing body.

11. He set forth (тръгвам, отпътувам) on his pilgrimage as a solitary hermit (отшелник, пустинник).

12. Conservatives seemed to make clear that any alliance with the movement would have to be on the terms the manifesto has set forth (обяснявам, разяснявам).

13. The writer is constantly sketching maps and inventing rides because his next novel is set in (започвам) a made-up (измислен) theme park.

14. We were out looking for her and calling her friends, trying to find her. By the time dark set in (настъпвам), I was in a panic.

15. Analysts say the dispute (спор, диспут) could set off (причинявам, задвижвам) a market crisis.

16. Then he turned round and set off (тръгвам, потеглям) at a steady pace homewards (adv. към къщи)

17. The people danced in the streets, set off (възпламенявам, разпалвам, изстрелвам) fireworks and waved flags as the president finally agreed to step down.

18. His fine fresh complexion and thick lips were set off (подчертавам) by his brilliant black eyes and hair, which curled naturally all over his head.

19. Fourteen towns were set on () fire and their inhabitants pursued and shot down.

20. The owner of the house threatened to set his dogs on us (подстрекавам, насочвам).

21. Work dried up (пресъхвам) and the family set out for (посочен за) Florida last spring in search of cheaper living expenses (разходи за живот).

22. The dog dashed between boxes set out (тръгвам) in a yard, and then sat down by the one containing C-4, a military explosive.

23. As both groups are burdened by high rates of heart disease, the team set out (отпътувам) to study how much of a difference diet might make.

24. The contract will set out (обяснявам, установявам) the terms and conditions of your employment.

25. On weekends during the high season, cars line up early for the chance to set up (нареждам, настанявам) camp in the park along the banks of the river.

26. The station was empty but for a family of lemurs, who had set up (настанявам) residence in a long-abandoned barracks (казарми).

27. Prime Minister set up (помагам да започне, нареждам) an inquiry (проучване) into newspaper practices, headed by senior judge B. Leveson.

28. A committee has been set up (започвам) to organize social events in the college.

29. He sets himself up as an expert (въвеждам се, представям се) on vegetable growing, but he doesn’t seem to me to know much about it.

30. They claimed that they weren’t selling drugs, but that they had been set up (нареждам) by the police.

19: Meaning of the phrasal verbs

1. set aside (слагам настрана, заделям) – to save something, usually money or time, for a special purpose.

2. set on/upon (нападам, подстрекавам) – to attack someone

3. set s.th out (излагам нещо) -  to arrange something, usually a number of things, in an attractive or organized way.

4. set s.th up (въвеждам, помагам да започне) – to prepare something for use, especially by putting the different parts of it together.

5. set off (карам, причинявам)to make something look attractive by providing a contrast to it.

6. set back (връщам назад)to cost someone a large amount of money

7. set s.o. up (настройвам)to trick someone in order to make them seem guilty of something they haven’t done

8. set s.o. off doing s. th. (карам) – to cause someone to start doing something

9. set back (спъвам, забавям, връщам назад) – to slow down the progress of; to hinder

10. to set oneself up as (представям се за) – to claim to be a particular type of person

11. set out (тръгвам с цел, заемам се) – to start an activity with a particular aim

12. set up (основавам, започвам, започвам) – to establish a new company, organization or system

13. set down (записвам) – to write or paint something, especially to record it in a formal document

14. set off/set out (тръгвам, отпътувам) – to start a journey

15. set in (настъпвам) – to begin and seem likely to continue (of rain, bad weather, infection, etc.)

16. set s.o. up (установявам) – to establish someone or yourself in a business or position.

20: Phrasal verbs

1. set aside a few dollars / concerns
2. set back progress /recovery efforts/a reaction
3. set down an empty glass/new requirements
4. set forth details/principles/new requirements
5. set off an arms race/a reaction
6. set off on a difficult journey/a four-week mission
7. set out vegetables/reasons/new requirements
8. set up an appointment/a political party
9. to be set on studying law/a career in medicine

21: Studying the following nouns and completing the sentences

set-aside (заделям)
setback (пречка)
set-to (сбиване, кавга)
set-up (настройвам)
inset (добавям, притурка)
offset (изместване компенсация)
onset (начало, атака, нападение)
outset (маргинал)

1. It was only a few days after the opening of the school year when Billie had her first little set-to with Miss Cora Dill.

2. The map has an inset in the top corner, that shows the city centre in more detail.

3. Despite the new negotiating setback, Republicans pledged to continue talking.

4. International efforts to fight Europe’s worsening debt crisis received a setback when the International Monetary Fund’s chief resigned.

5. Norway proclaimed its neutrality at the outset of the war but was nonetheless occupied by Nazi Germany for five years.

6. The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years.

7. I would rather frighten them off than the risk of coming off second best in an set-to with them.

8. An incorrect offset can cause increased stress on wheel bearings and suspension components, and cause rubbing and handling problems.

9. The set-up could make it seem like participants are only bidding a penny at a time, even though the bids actually cost much more.

10. Republicans have said from the outset that any deal that includes new tax revenue will not work.

11. Widow’s bereavement allowance is a offset against income.

12. The police were sure he didn’t die and the car accident was a set-up.

13. A $70 million set-aside is included in a 48% rise in the provisions for bad and doubtful debts.

14. Health professionals warn that drug use can both aggravate and mask the oneset of mental illness.

22: Housing idioms

a house of cards
an organization or a plan that is very weak and can easily be destroyed
on the house
paid for by the management of the hotel, bar, restaurant (usually of drinks)
full (packed) empty house
a large or small audience
to bring the house down
to win great applause
to put (set) get one’s house in order
to settle or organize one’s affairs
like a house on fire
very quickly; with energy or enthusiasm
to keep house
to manage a household
to set up house
to start to live in a house, especially with another person
to make oneself at home
to act as if you were at home
to drive/hammer something home
To make evident to, to lay emphasis on

1. In some productions the appearance of Mother Ginger alone will bring the house down.

2. Pennsylvania was an appropriate location for Trump to hammer home his economic message.

3. The money would become the nest egg she’d use to set up house with the next man in her life.

4. The organization that looked so solid and dependable turned out to be a house of cards.

5. If you follow the rules, we’ll get along like a house on fire – rule number one: no noise, no questions.

6. The hotel room was not ready when we arrived so they gave us some drinks on the house.

7. There was some trouble in the department office and the manager was told to put his house in order.

8. The rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar is playing to packed houses in Moscow.

9. He made himself at home in her office and was on a first-name basis with all her employees.

10. She told Jason there was no way she could keep house, volunteer at school and work freelance without some outside help. 

23: idioms

off the wall
very strange or unusual; extremely unconventional
like a ton of bricks
with great force; severely
a tower (pillar) of strength
a person who gives comfort, support
the writing on the wall
an ominous indication of the course of future events
common or average; typical; ordinary
to go through the mill
to experience the suffering or discipline necessary to bring one to a certain degree of knowledge or skill, or to a certain mental state; to rise to a very high level.
to go through the floor
to go to an extremely low level
to hold (down) the fort
to assume responsibility especially in another’s absence; to maintain a secure position
to raise the roof
to show great enthusiasm; to play/sing loudly and enthusiastically
to go through the roof/to hit the roof/ceiling
to become very angry; to have an unpleasant experience

1. There’s nothing special about these singers – they’re just run of the mill.

2. General Mendl began to see the writing on the wall and requested permission to evacuate the city.

3. Since Henry’s death, he had been a tower of strength and his business sense had pulled the family out of more than one tight corner.

4. There are a few off-the-wall queries (запитвания, въпросителни), but officials are not flustered.

5. When the landlord increased the rent, the tenants raised the roof about his lack of repairs and maintenance.

6. The students had a lot to drink and were really raising the roof last night.

7. After the war, food prices went through the roof.

8. If he doesn’t like your work, he’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks.

9. Like most women her age, Julia has been through the mill with men – betrayed, ignored and lied to.

10. In the past few years, home prices have gone through the floor but mortgage debt still has a long way to go.

24: Study the following expressions and complete the sentences using the correct verb forms

To throw money down the drain (да се хвърлят пари на вятъра)
if work or money goes down the drain, it is wasted “Then our funding was withdrawn and two years' work went down the drain.”
To have a skeleton in the cupboard
To have (an) embarassing, unpleasant, damaging, or incriminating secret(s) from one's past. Primarily heard in UK.
To be a lounge lizard
a man who spends a lot of time trying to meet rich people, especially women, in bars and at social occasions
“The bar was empty except for the lounge lizard in the corner, who was obviously waiting for someone.”
To go all around the houses
to waste time saying a lot of things that are not important before you get to the subject you want to talk about
“There's no need to go all round the houses, just tell me straight out what's wrong.”
To go out of the window
if a quality, principle, or idea goes out of the window, it does not exist anymore.
“Then people start drinking and sense goes out of the window.”
To bring down the curtain on (да се доведе нещо до край)
Bring to an end
“Her decision brought down the curtain on a glittering 30-year career”
To lay at someone’s door (да държа някой отговорен за)
to hold someone accountable for; blame; impute.
To take the floor
to stand up and address the audience.
“When I take the floor, I'll make a short speech. The last time you had the floor, you talked for an hour.”
Everything but the kitchen sink
a lot of different things, many of which you do not need
“We were only going away for the weekend, but Jack insisted on taking everything but the kitchen sink.”

Etymology: based on the idea that if you brought many things to someone, a kitchen sink is one of the last things you would bring because it is difficult to move

almost everything one can think of.
“When Sally went off to college, she took everything but the kitchen sink. John orders everything but the kitchen sink when he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else is paying for it.”
The glass ceiling
a situation in which progress, esp promotion, appears to be possible but restrictions or discrimination create a barrier that prevents it

1. Today’s simple but moving ceremonies bring down the curtain on that long and historic period in Philippine history marked by the presence of American troops.

2. A woman judge has at last succeeded in breaking through the glass ceiling into the Court of Appeal (Апелативен съд).

3. Most of Africa’s problems can be laid at doors other than African.

4. There’s no need go to all round the houses, just tell me straight out what happened.

5. As the alarms went off, McBain knew that his chances of escaping undetected had just gone out of the window.

6. His uncle is throwing money down the drain when he goes to the horse races.

7. After that long introduction, the key speaker took the floor but nobody listened to him.

8. He’s a very popular senator but he will never be elected president because he has a skeleton in the cupboard.

9. Lance has a reputation of being a lounge lizard. It’s said he’s seeking a rich wife.

10. John orders everything but the kitchen sink when he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else is paying for it.

25: Complete the following sentences

1. Deciding to negotiate now after they’ve been fired is a matter of locking the stable door after the horse has botled/gone.

2. Writing a report without the current data is making bricks without straw (слама).

3. People often assume is you sweep something under the carpet, the problem will go away, but that is not the case.

4. Michael told me I had bad taste in music. I replied by telling him that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

5. When politicians say that bankers have been lying, it’s like the pot calling the kettle black.

6. Once the President takes office, you can be sure he will replace most of the people on the staff – a new broom sweeps clean.

7. Mr Johnson has come under fire for being sarcastic and dismissive (пренебрежителен) of his clients.

8. He really led her up the garden path with his promises of promotion and career advancement.

9. I have a sister-in-law who can drink most people under the table and she shows no signs of intoxication (опиянение), she just goes a bit quiet.

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